A GSA Schedule has a strong federal sales synergy with the 8(a) Certification. Because of the timing involved we recommend firms obtain both the 8(a) Certification and their GSA Schedule Contract simultaneously. Our firm has over 19 years of experience at both services resulting in billions of dollars of sales for our clients.
Call for a Free Consultation 703-688-3546
What it is Like to Work With Our Company
Starting Point
We start with a free consultation to assess your eligibility and the appropriateness of a GSA Schedule Contract for your firm.
Once you Sign-up
We will have a GSA Strategy Development with your firm, setting up goals and deadlines for the critical elements of the application. We will also review the required information and decide on the most proper Large Category for your goods and services. There will be open communication between our two firms as we develop your GSA Proposal.
Delivery of Proposal
We then deliver a completed GSA proposal. We then go over all the details of the proposal, the clients sign off and we submit the proposal to the GSA. We will also review the Basis of the Award for your proposal and what occurs post submission. We prepare a small business subcontracting plan for large business concern.
GSA Communication
We begin communicating with the GSA Contracting Officer after the GSA assigns your proposal. The Contracting Officer will have questions about your proposal. We will prepare written responses to these requests and review them with you and submit to GSA.
GSA Negotiation
The GSA agrees to our proposal which begins the contract negotiation phase. We will have a teleconference with you to discuss your existing GSA Schedule competitors’ rates and our firms’ best practices for dealing with the GSA contract negotiations. Once we are prepared, we will conduct the negotiation with the GSA. After the negotiation we will then prepare a Final Proposal Revision for the client to review and sign.
GSA Award
The GSA Contract is then awarded to your firm, and then we coordinate the required post-award documents. We will then convert the GSA contract data into the required format for listings on GSA eLibrary and the federal e-commerce site, GSA Advantage.
Typically takes four to five months.
Thinking of obtaining an 8(a) Certification! Make sure you have us analyze your firm’s potential 8(a) + GSA Schedule Synergy!