Is DBE Certification Helpful For GSA Schedule Contract Applicants?
Does your business fall under DBE? If your answer is in the positive, then you can cheer up! The General Services Administration or GSA helps DBEs or Disadvantaged Business Enterprises by assisting them in business development through dedicated business mentorship program. Further, the GSA offers DBEs scope to flourish in trade by providing uninterrupted access to conduct business in the federal marketplace. Your small business can benefit from the several advantage of GSA Schedule. In order to cash in with these advantage of GSA you have to earn the DBE Certification for your enterprise.
Eligibility for DBE Certification
The eligibility criteria for obtaining a DBE Certification are different for different states of the USA. For example, in the state of California, the department of transportation necessitates that the personal net worth of the DBE applicant, management and control as well as the revenue and ownership for the DBE applicant firm needs to be looked into prior to accrediting DBE certification to the concerned firm.
Application Requirements for DBE Certification
In order to get your small business DBE Certification approved, you need to follow the steps as described in the video below
Once your business is DBE certified your GSA schedule contract application will gain momentum and in due course you will be able to enjoy all the Advantage of GSA Schedule.
To know more about the Advantage of GSA you have to learn from the experts! Get in touch with expert GSA consultants by visiting Start learning now!